Faith to See

The sun had not yet peeked above the horizon, but the sky was ablaze in red and gold glory when I padded into the kitchen to let the dogs out. The light caught my attention, causing me to stop and stare and breathe out, "thank you" to God. How were the colors so bright when…

An Unexpected Gift…Meet Chance

Over the past couple of years, and especially the last few months, I have spent many hours with a precious friend who fought valiantly for her life while never ceasing to minister to everyone who crossed her path. On September 13, Yvonne McCoy was finally set free from pain and suffering and is now safely…

When Late is On Time

Summer sang tonight as the pink sky faded over the pond. I took Curry for a walk, savoring the cooling of evening. Cicadas buzzed from deep in the Shadow Wood as my youngest daughter quietly rocked back and forth in the swing which hangs from a tall and sturdy branch of the Oak Tree not…

He promises JOY.

I awakened to a muted dawn on this New Year's Day. It rained all night while the winds caused this big house to creak and moan. We have had a crazy December warm spell, but because of the front coming through, I expected it to be cool, so I donned sweats and a sweatshirt to…

Kitten Love

We knew Rosa was pregnant, and estimated she would deliver around the end of October based on when we first noticed her growing belly. We were a little off 🙂 On the morning of October 13, I stepped out of my back door to feed the animals and stumbled upon this sweet scene. To my…

The Hope of Autumn

Time feels like someone put their foot on the accelerator and just keeps pressing down, speeding things up, causing the scenery to blur. I feel my age, not so much physically but in how the world feels foreign. Aliens and strangers, the Bible tells me. We are all aliens and strangers.

Back to Work

As the sun rose this morning, I finished my early workout, then slogged through the saturated grass to feed the animals. Dolly was first to the gate, as usual. She is large and in charge, always the first to the trough as she bleats commands to the others who follow. Kenny, her twin, has grown…


I had already fed the animals, picked off the morning's offering of tomatoes and okra, and sat down with a cup of coffee before I looked at the date. September 1. Though it is not the official beginning of Autumn (which is September 22), the march toward cooler temperatures, golden leaves and all things Crock…

Summer’s End

It feels like forever since I've written anything here. Summer flew by and we are all settled in to a new year of homeschooling with busy days of reading, writing, and all the math. My kids have split into three different tutorials, creating a logistical nightmare for me while cocooning them in perfect environments for…